What is happening in the business world? ABI/Inform Dateline has articles on regional and national businesses. Lots of articles on business.
When you're searching do you ever have a spell of writers block? You have car in mind and forget to use automobile or transportation. There you are searching using the same term and getting the same results. You know there has to be a better way.
Some databases have a thesaurus that offers you options. GALILEO's Quick Search has a Thesaurus. The thesaurus can jog your thinking so the correct search term pops right up and you have succeeded in finding the appropriate article.
ABI/Inform Dateline Proquest offers a Topic tab that can assist you in narrowing or expanding your search.
ProQuest describes Topic Guide through the About link:
"The ProQuest Topic Guide lets you find documents by searching an index, or by exploring a hierarchical subject directory. Indexed topics may include subjects, companies, people, and locations.
Enter a term and select whether you want ProQuest to Suggest Topics or Look up Topics A-Z, then click Find Term. Or, click browse subjects by topic to view the Subject Directory.
Once you have found a topic, click View documents to run a search using the topic.
Or click Narrow below the desired topic to narrow the search using related terms. From the narrowed list, find a term you want to use and click View. "
Go searching and when you have that lapse of memory- use Topic Search or the thesaurus to get a jump start in searching. Words do matter!
Monday, August 27, 2007
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