Friday, October 27, 2006

Where to go

and what to do when I get there....

Travel guides can be a great way to arm-chair travel. Travel guides can give you an idea of what to do when you get to your location.

NetLibrary has a collection of 31, Hunter Travel Guides. The guides range in date from 1998 to 2005.

....Find a a database by name
........Jump to n
..............Limit your search to title
..............Hunter Travel Guides

Happy traveling!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Guess who's coming to dinner?

Are you beginning to think about holiday gatherings? While the family is gathered, ask questions and start to gather the names and dates that build a family tree. Best of all, tape record the stories being told around the table or in the kitchen or on the porch. The stories tell more about the family than the names and dates.

Once you have a few names and dates you can use on campus to look up more names and dates! If you use your public library GALILEO password, you can access Heritage Quest from home. Heritage Quest is similar to but not the same.

The password for home use of GALILEO is available to the citizens of Georgia from your librarian. Some resources noted in this BLOG are only available to NMTC patrons.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Stocking stuffers

Halloween hasn't happened yet but stores have Christmas treats out to tempt you to spend ahead on the holiday season. If your loved one has everything and you'd like to get something that doesn't have to be dusted...some "money folks" suggest buying a single share of stock as a gift.

To find out about a company, you can search in Hoover's Company Records in GALILEO . The link leads you to Proquest so you aren't in the Hoover's you might be familiar with. The information is concise and readable.

I searched for bicycles- if I was giving a gift of stock, I might choose a stock that related to my recipients hobbies. 65 companies came up with the search term bicycles. Many are private companies so I couldn't buy stock. If it is a public company, the ticker symbol is included in the brief description.

"Hoover's Company Capsules & Profiles includes brief information on 15,000 companies, including an overview of company operations, addresses, phone and fax numbers, names of key officers, a list of top competitors, sales and employment figures, and stock symbols.

Direct access to Hoover's Company Capsules and Profiles can be found within full-text articles in ABI Inform Complete and ABI Inform Dateline. Links are indicated with an information icon followed by a company name."

The password for home use of GALILEO is available to the citizens of Georgia from your librarian. Some resources noted in this BLOG are only available to NMTC patrons.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

On line video instruction

Do you learn best by seeing and hearing the instruction?

Chattahoochee Technical College is creating online video instruction for using GALILEO. Their first module teaches about the Quick Search function:

Try it- it's about ten minutes long. Let it load first, then play it.

The password for home use of GALILEO is available to the citizens of Georgia from your librarian. Some resources noted in this BLOG are only available to NMTC patrons.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Autumnal delights

The colors in north west Georgia are magnificent. Bright reds, yellows, and oranges with burgundy thrown in for delight! It almost looks like a New England fall when you drive up the mountain roads.

Last year I took you to Access Science @ McGraw Hill to look for information about photosynthesis and autumn color.

This year lets do a Quick Search using the term Fall Leaves and limit our search to Science and Technology.


The articles float down to us like the falling leaves.

The first article in Health Source : Consumer Edition has a complete description of the physiology involved in leaves turning red. Scrolling down shows articles about gas prices and leaf watchers from USA Today.

Fun to see what comes up in a Quick Search.