My stomach has yet to recover from eating too much, too often, over the holiday. Going from one family event to another, where the host expects to be honored, not only by your presence, but by your consuming the delectables presented, leads to indigestion. What is one to do to alleviate the consequences of plain old gluttony?
CTC Library subscribes to several health databases. Each requires a login if accessed from the CTC Library page. All are also listed in GALILEO. Your CTC Librarian can give you the passwords to the individual resources or to GALILEO. From the
CTC Library page, I chose
Facts on File : Health Reference Center to look for indigestion information. 81 articles were pulled. The three column results format makes it easy to see what might be helpful. The first column has title and source. The second column notes article, drug, and article overview. The third column allows you to save the item.
Is there a way to sort the information? I checked 'Help'. The FAQ
did not offer a suggestion for sorting. The Advanced Search option has the Boolean search limiters, type of source, and date limiters for News Articles. News Articles can be sorted by date. That option seems to be the only way to 'sort' and it is totally limited to News Articles.
It's not difficult to scroll through the list. What I found were articles that discussed ways to prevent indigestion. One article did describe using baking soda to help alleviate a bit of discomfort. Several drug articles with references on how the drug may cause indigestion. Hmm. Not much help with my current problem.
I think I may just have to wait this out. The consequence of gluttony is a bit of discomfort!