Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Rolling, rolling,

Rolling down the river.... the tune just popped into my head as I was reading Sidney Lanier's poem Song of the Chattahoochee. The link takes you to LION in GALILEO.

It is National Poetry Month. We have the "Poems of Sidney Lanier" [PS 2205 .A2 L35 1999] on the shelf. It, too, has the Song of the Chattahoochee. I read the poem and created a .wav file with a link in the Poetry Reading section.

Someday, I'll learn how to create mp3 files....someday. I'm feeling quite pleased with my simple .wav!

To access GALILEO (and LION) at home, you need the current password which is available from your Georgia librarian.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

It sounds like

In honor of National Poetry month, I'm trying to create audio files of Poetry Reading. I'm learning.

Monday, April 07, 2008

April Showers

Bring May flowers

April is poetry month. From the sublime to the ridiculous, poetry trips off our tongues. We have Poetry for Dummies [PN 1042 .P579 2001], which sounds simplistic is described in Amazon this way:

Sometimes it seems like there are as many definitions of poetry as there are poems. Coleridge defined poetry as “the best words in the best order.” St. Augustine called it “the Devil’s wine.” For Shelley, poetry was “the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds.” But no matter how you define it, poetry has exercised a hold upon the hearts and minds of people for more than five millennia. That’s because for the attentive reader, poetry has the power to send chills shooting down the spine and lightning bolts flashing in the brain — to throw open the doors of perception and hone our sensibilities to a scalpel’s edge.

Poetry For Dummies is a great guide to reading and writing poems, not only for beginners, but for anyone interested in verse. From Homer to Basho, Chaucer to Rumi, Shelley to Ginsberg, it introduces you to poetry’s greatest practitioners. It arms you with the tools you need to understand and appreciate poetry in all its forms, and to explore your own talent as a poet.....
And you know what Mayflowers bring?....

yes, it's Pilgrims.