Friday, July 21, 2006

News to use

You want to keep on top of the news in the Business world, but how do you find every article about your business?

EbscoHost offers this database: Business Source Premier which provides full text for over 2,280 journals covering all aspect of business. In addition to the full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for nearly 2,440 journals. Business Source Premier contains popular business publications such as Business Week, Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and hundreds of scholarly, peer reviewed journals. Also included is Wall Street Words, a dictionary of financial terms, linked directly to words within the citations and full text.

The best part is you can set up a Journal Alert and have the magazine articles sent to your e-mail:

To get a journal/magazine (not all journals /magazines allow alerts) delivered to your e-mail address each month:

1. Go to GALILEO
Get the current password from your librarian if you want to use GALILEO off campus.
2. Select Databases A-Z (tab near the top far right or link at the bottom center)
3. Jump to B
4. Select Business Source Premier (at EbscoHost)
5. Click on Business Source Premier (at EbscoHost)
6. Click on the Publications button (second one in on thick green bar)
7. Go to Browse publications (under Publications tab)
8. Type the title in the box
9. Click on the title
10. On the far right side of the screen, click on Journal Alert
11.On the left side of the screen there is a link for I’m a New User
12. Fill in that screen- Submit
13. Fill in the info for the e-mail (use a header you’ll recognize)
14. Scroll down and click on Save
When the new issue is added to Ebsco, you’ll get an e-mail with the table of contents for that issue.
It will have hyperlinks that you can use to go directly to the article !

Stay informed easily......

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Scientific Method

Merriam Webster (in Encyclopedia Britannica) defines the Scientific Method:
Main Entry: scientific method
Function: noun:
principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge
  • involving the recognition and formulation of a problem,
  • the collection of data through observation and experiment,
  • and the formulation and testing of hypotheses
GALILEO provides access to a variety of resources that help you collect data. One resource is Access Science @ McGraw Hill.

"AccessScience provides the finest collection of science reference materials—online and fully searchable. We offer easy accessibility to the information you need to make research easy—with access to all the articles, fully illustrated, from the latest edition of the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, Research Updates from the McGraw-Hill Yearbooks, thousands of illustrations, and the latest Science News® headlines, biographies, and more. This online encyclopedia is tailored to researchers and students looking for the most relevant, readable, and trusted sources of information available. We maintain content of the highest standards, and readers may be assured that our authors are the top experts in the field, including a number of Nobel Prize and Fields Medals winners."

....Databases A-Z
.......Scroll down a bit to AccessScience

The password for home use of GALILEO is available to the citizens of Georgia from your librarian. Some resources noted in this BLOG are only available to NMTC patrons.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Visiting museums to view art is a vacation activity that many people enjoy. Sometimes, the expense of travel makes the museum tour a treat rather than a regular event. Grove Art Online in GALILEO allows you to view art at your convenience without the expense of travel.

In Grove Art Online there is an Images link that takes you to the "Bridgeman Art Library " which "is one of the largest art image providers world-wide. This online art image collection offers over 100,000 art images from major international museums, galleries and auction houses."

....Jump to G
.......Grove Art Online

The password for home use of GALILEO is available to the citizens of Georgia from your librarian. Some resources noted in this BLOG are only available to NMTC patrons.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Did you ever?

Did you ever take the encyclopedia to bed and read those brief articles to help you sleep? Just enough to read but not too exciting that you stayed awake reading.

Encyclopedia Britannica on-line is not your print encyclopedia! The online encyclopedia offers suggested searches, Britannica Daily, This Day in History, links to news sources (New York Times, BBC News, SBS World News), links to web sites with additional information, the dictionary, Spotlight Archives, and Research tools with links to authors works!

It's a different way to find information- authoritative information.

.....Databases A-Z
.........Jump to E
............Encyclopedia Britannica

NMTC pays for the annual subscription. We've added the link in GALILEO
The password for home use of GALILEO is available to the citizens of Georgia from your librarian. Some resources noted in this BLOG are only available to NMTC patrons.

Say cheese......

Student ID's are being made this week in Admissions (100 building). The Student ID will allow you to borrow materials from Kennesaw, Southern Poly, and DTAE schools. The ID definitely expands our collection.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Fall down go boom....

You have a cut or a scrape so what can you do to make it heal faster?

Try World Wide Wounds in GALILEO: "The premier online resource for dressing materials and practical wound management information World Wide Wounds is to be the premier online resource for peer reviewed information on dressing materials, providing practical guidance on all aspects of wound management and wound care to healthcare professionals worldwide."

This site is geared to professional health care workers, which is why we added the link to GALILEO. It does have fascinating articles about caring for a wound.

The password for home use of GALILEO is available to the citizens of Georgia from your librarian. Some resources noted in this BLOG are only available to NMTC patrons.