Tuesday, August 24, 2010

and they keep on coming

We subscribe to Credo Reference. They have passed the 500 titles mark in their Reference collection. It is a broad collection of Reference materials available 24/7. What I like about Credo Reference is its ease of use. A simple search box pulls up a wealth of information. Yet the Advanced search can limit my search to a specific title.

These are the latest additions:
• The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility, Wiley
• An African Biographical Dictionary, Grey House Publishing
• BCS Glossary of Computing and ICT, British Computer Society
• Encyclopedia of the Antebellum South, ABC-CLIO
• Encyclopedia of Consciousness, Elsevier Science & Technology
• The Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments, CABI
• The Essentials of Philosophy and Ethics, Hodder Education
• A Financial History of Modern U.S. Corporate Scandals from Enron to Reform, M.E. Sharpe
• Historical Encyclopedia of American Labor, ABC-CLIO
• Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide, Wiley
• Myths and Legends of the Celts, Penguin

You can access Credo Reference through the CTC GALILEO and through our catalog with a patron login! Stop by any campus library to get the GALILEO password or to apply for your library account.
