Thursday, December 01, 2011

Narrowing the digital search

Learning how to narrow a search can be frustrating. One needs to know the source one is using- what is in this database? One needs to have a clear search term - using one word might pull up a plethora of information while using a synonym pulls up nothing. What is a novice researcher to do?

A scroll through Databases A-Z in GALILEO revealed Career & Technical Education by [ProQuest}"which includes several hundred full-text titles in the area of vocational information". A look at the Publications list notes 798 titles are available, that is a few more than "several hundred". The regular ProQuest has 11207 titles listed in Publications.

Already I can see how Career & Technical Education by ProQuest has helped me narrow my search. They have selected titles that apply to technical education. There are specific titles for Automotive, Cosmetology and Horticulture.

Comparing the publication lists of the specialized database with the regular ProQuest, shows that what is in Career & Technical Education really will meet the specific needs of our technical students information needs.


Your Georgia librarian can give you the password to access GALILEO from home.

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