Thursday, August 23, 2007

How often do you check it?

OK- you do check your e-mails at least once a day. If you didn't it would just become overwhelming and depressing.

You’d like to read a book but who has time to go to the library, find a book, check it out, read it quickly so you can return it on time…..

Here is a solution… DailyLit

These folks have gathered the classics (no best sellers but you did want to read Mark Twain anyway) and they will send you 1 e-mail a day with readable chunks of the book. They have divided the titles into categories including Mysteries!

How cool is that? A treat for getting through your e-mails.

And I didn't even mention GALILEO where you can get to NetLibrary and read more current titles on line.

Thanks to the Librarian in Black for noting this! I read her musings through my RSS feeder.

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