Thursday, July 24, 2008

How universal is universal?

I bought a universal remote because our remotes seem to get away from the equipment they control. I've thought about velcro straps and links to the stand. Yet, I know I like to wander around a classroom and aim the remote. I don't want to be tethered to a cart or TV. So we "lose" remotes.

The universal remote I purchased isn't working with the specific equipment. Would it have made a difference in what I purchased if I did a little research?

Consumer Reports popped into my head. You know where I'm going - to GALILEO.

I selected the Journals A-Z tab
Typed in Consumer Reports and saw several databases that have the magazine.
I selected Ebsco - well they do have the new interface.

The Consumer Reports Buying Guide in Ebsco's Academic Search Complete came up.
I selected search within this publication (teeny tiny print above the list of years)
And this is where I got confused - the search box was filled in with JN "Consumer Reports Buying Guide"
I stared at the screen and thought- where do I fill in my query?
I selected Advanced Search
OK- there were the extra search fields
I typed in Universal Remote -
Nothing came up - How can that be?
Ah- I did not change the "Select a Field" drop down
I changed the field search to TX - All Text
and - 27 articles came up.

Yet- as I skim the titles- I'm not seeing a specific article for universal remotes. The first article PRODUCT RATINGS AND BRAND RELIABILITY might be helpful. I opened it and choose to search through the 140 page PDF file to find mention of remotes. Lots of remotes noted but not a section on universal remotes (that I saw)

Hmm. I think I need to rethink the process. I'll try something else and let you know how it works!

You may get the password to use GALILEO at home from your Georgia Librarian.


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