Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Every time I see the fog hovering over the ground, I remember Carl Sandburg's poem "Fog".

I used LION (Literature Online) which "is a full-text library of over 330,000 works of British and American poetry, drama and prose" to find the poem.

Entering the word 'fog' brought up 206 poems. I knew the author so I could scroll through the alphabetized list to find the specific poem. What if I had forgotten "Sandburg"?

I went to the Texts search page. There I have limiters that might help find the poem. I selected the tab Poetry.
1. I typed in cat's feet as keywords and fog as in the title. Sandburg's poem did not come up. Guy Carryl and Kenneth Rexroth have written poems that include cat's feet and fog.
2. Trying again, I entered cat and fog- 6 entries and Carl's poem was there.

I was able to scan the list which included a few lines for each poem to get to Carl Sandburg:
...The fog comes on little cat feet....
...sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then

Using cat's was my downfall. I think cat feet might have produced better results. I'll try a third search.

3. Yes, searching under the poetry tab, cat feet as the key word, fog as the title pulled up just one result- Carl Sandburg's, Fog.

Teaching students how to process the search results and finagle what you ask for until you get the correct response is tricky. You just have to keep trying!

CTC Library subscribes to LION. It is available through GALILEO. Your Campus Librarian can give you the current password.


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