Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Double Double Toil and Trouble

What I can remember about Macbeth is summed up in the witches chant and Lady Macbeth's washing her hands and mumbling about the damned spot.

Susan Fraser King has written the story of Lady Macbeth [PS 3561 .I4833 L28 2008]in 'Rue's' voice. It is a fascinating look at life in Scotland just before the Middle Ages.I admit to staying up too late to find out what happens next!

Which brings me to acknowledging borrowing the No Fear Shakespeare : Macbeth [PR 2823 .A25 2003]. What a wonderful way to skim through the play. On the left page are William Shakespeare's words. On the right side - the American version with it's easy to understand vocabulary.

Having both books to compare and contrast the story has encouraged me to look in our history resources in GALILEO for Scottish history.

Using Browse by Subject, I selected History, entered Macbeth and then scrolled through a variety of articles that referred to the play, current politics...until I stumbled upon an article by Richard Cavendish Macbeth defeated Dunsinane in History Today,2004-07 ,54:7 | 55(0) | ISSN: 00182753.

Then I saw several more articles about the 'real' Macbeth and his wife!

Reading Historical Fiction led me to Classical Literature which led me to researching history.

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