Thursday, May 07, 2009

Changes to MLA

MLA is a citation guide for research papers that most students are either familiar with or will be familiar with. MLA, the Modern Language Association, has decided to modify its citation formats, particularly with regard to how sources are listed in the works cited page. This new citation style emphasizes placement of the word 'print' or 'web' at the end of the citation, depending upon how the source was accessed.

Citation of Galileo articles should be easier. The new format requires a less lengthy citation for these sources. Also, keep an eye on this blog for news about the updates to individual Galileo databases as to when they have updated their citation examples to reflect the changes.

The library has purchased a the updated style manual for MLA. We have one copy in our reference section, and another copy in our reserve section. The new MLA format is scheduled to go into effect in July 2009.


Please contact us with any questions about the new MLA format.

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