Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Haunted Libraries in the South


Encyclopedia Britannica recently did a series of Blog entries on 'haunted libraries' in the United States. They broke that same list down by region, including a list of 'haunted' libraries in the south (although one wonders if Texas is still truly a southern state), as well as a list of international haunts.

Interestingly, Britannica was unable to find any haunted Georgia libraries. One library that is supposedly haunted is in Tennessee, the Hoskins Library at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. The Hoskins Library was the main academic library for many years until it was converted to a special collections library in the 1980's.

Encyclopedia Britannica is always doing many fine blog entries on history, society, politics, and health, among other subjects. Remember that North Metro Tech students can access Britannica through Galileo. Please contact the library if you need the current Galileo password.


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