Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hidden resource

Pictures do help with searches. We've gotten accustomed to icons rather than text as a way to communicate information quickly and easily. The red stop sign is a universal symbol, a house for home, you can think of other symbols used regularly to note directions.

I've mumbled about Ebsco's plain and simple text portal to the databases but they can make it "pretty". Check out Student Research Center - aimed at middle and high school. Look at the pictures that help you decide what you want to select.

Most amazing is what I found when I was looking through the titles included to see what was included - and look at what I found :

MagillOnLiterature Plus

MagillOnLiterature Plus, produced by Salem Press, is the premier literary database, combining MagillOnLiterature and MagillOnAuthors. This database includes all the literary works, reviewed critical analyses and brief plot summaries that are included in MagillOnLiterature, as well as all the biographies and author essays included in MagillOnAuthors.

That is amazing. In Advanced Search you can use the special limiters just for Magill - . And I'm paying for the MagillOnLiterature Plus - harumph. Not next year.

Don't be put off by a title like Student Research Center- there is more in there than the title indicates!

Get the password to access GALILEO from your Georgia Librarian!

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