Friday, September 14, 2007

Now this is a Visual Search

The Distant Librarian mentioned oSkope. The Distant Librarian asked "Would a display like this make it more "fun" to use the library catalogue? "

oSkope is self described as "a search assistant with a highly intuitive visual interface. oSkope lets you browse quickly through a large number of images and preview information with minimal paging. Selected items can be saved by registered users. In its beta version, oSkope allows to search for products and images on popular web services like Amazon, Ebay, YouTube or Flickr. More services will be added soon."

I'm playing with it- on this Friday morning it seems to take awhile but it is pulling pictures. I selected Amazon- figuring I'd find books and videos. I did a search for "Roald Dahl" once without quotes, once with. Didn't seem to make a difference.

It pulled up some interesting tumblers and moisturizer. I couldn't figure out what the tie was to Mr. Dahl. I do like the book covers and the way the cursor makes the picture jump out with a box of information next to it.

For me this is a "visual search" using pictures to define/describe what I'm looking for. Will it replace my use of WorldCat or my local catalog?

Not likely in its present incarnation though it definitely is a visual search for those who think the cover helps describe the content.

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