Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Two down

Two states have held their statewide opportunity to select the delegates for the Republican Convention. Have you been following the news reports?

We subscribe to NewsBank which gives one access to 1700 US news sources. For us, the highlight of NewsBank is the access to 37 Georgia newspapers.

NewsBank isn't as user friendly as some of our resources. The opening page of NewsBank has links but no search box.

As an aside, the Hot Topics link at the top of the left column opens a page with topics (current events and research topics), a few teasers about the topic, and suggested search terms. The Research Topics could be very helpful for students needing to do a paper. It reminds me of and Issues and Controversies. Yet, nothing is hyperlinked to the database. Why?

Back to my original thought, news about the primaries and following the reports.
I selected Georgia News Sources from the Opening page.
They offer 37 newspaper titles. A check by the specific paper limits the search. If you make no specific newspaper choices, the search will go through all 37 Georgia papers.
The search boxes offer the usual boolean operators.
You can limit your search by dates.
You can sort several ways.
When you open an article, there is the option to get a citation.
You can e-mail the article. You can create an e-mail alert.
This is standard fare for most databases.

Because NewsBank offers 37 Georgia newspapers, it becomes a unique resource in our collection.

To access NewsBank contact your CTC Librarian for the login. NewsBank is accessible via GALILEO.


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