Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Starting anew

On NPR I have heard two stories about eco travel in Egypt. Tour groups are taking small groups of visitors out into the desert away from the classic pyramid sites to really experience Egypt. Today the story mentioned a blacksmith who's bread and butter business is making farm implements. With the tourist trade arriving, he is starting to make trinkets for the guests. He's wondering if this is just a blip on the economic radar or a true growth opportunity for his business.

Listening to the story, I thought about a resource Chattahoochee Technical College Library subscribes to - Entrepreneurship by Proquest.
Search worldwide publications and multi-media related to the topic of Entrepreneurship. Intended to bridge theory with practice, the Entrepreneurship database covers a wide spectrum of resources useful to educators, researchers, students and practitioners. Content ranges from the scholarly - including journals, dissertations, working papers and conference proceedings - to a full toolkit of practical guides, templates, forms, sample business plans, and tips from successful entrepreneurs.

Small business owners don't need to guess if what they are doing has promise, they can read articles that note the experiences of other business people. Learn from others success and failure!

You can access Entrepreneurship from the Chattahoochee Technical College Library page or through GALILEO (it's under E in Databases A-Z).


You may get the current password to use GALILEO from your Georgia librarian.

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