Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Today (Nov 4, 2009) is RAD TECH DAY at the North Metro Campus! You’re invited to stop by the RAD lab, room 221 in building 200 for “goodies and games” from 11:00am until 1:00pm. Our current RAD students will be there to answer any questions you may have about the program.

X-rays are a tool that I take for granted. My dentist uses X-rays to check the condition of my teeth and gums. My doctor uses X-rays to 'see' the broken bone in my arm. My doctor uses the mammogram to look for unusual features that might signal a cancer.

I don't know much about x-rays other than they are useful tools! A search in Credo Reference found over 4000 entries for "X ray" (put x ray in quotes or as x-ray to limit your search).

Credo Reference offers other ways to limit the search. Look at the left column which offers you links to search by entry types (articles noted as long or brief), media, person, and date published. Credo Reference is using Boolean logic to narrow the search for you with the links on the left.

I like the options offered by Credo Reference to narrow my search by clicking on a link. It's quicker. Yet, I think I have more control by using the search boxes and the And, Or, Not features of Boolean logic through the Advanced Search feature.

I accessed Credo Reference by going to GALILEO
...selecting Databases A-Z
.....selecting C
.......scrolling to Credo Reference

Try both options and see which one gives you more of what you are looking for. You get the current password to use GALILEO at home from your Georgia librarian.


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