Monday, October 13, 2008

Sailing, sailing

over the Ocean we remember Christopher Columbus and his adventures that began in 1492.

There are several books available on-line that might open your eyes to the man, the myth, and the perception. Columbus Then and Now: A Life Reexamined by Miles H. Davidson takes primary and secondary sources to pull together the facts. Mr. Davidson in the epilogue notes he is neither a historian nor a biographer but an accumulator of facts. He has placed the sources he used and why at the beginning of the book. It's not a traditional bibliography but a telling of what, where and why the information came to be used in this history.

Amazon shares the review by Margaret Flanagan from Booklist:
Davidson offers a comprehensive overview of the life of Christopher Columbus while analyzing a host of modern versions of the Columbus myth. Rather than relying on secondary sources, the author utilizes fifteenth-and sixteenth-century manuscripts, diaries, letters, naval records, and shipping logs to compile a detailed chronology of the facts and events that shaped the life of the much lauded and much reviled navigator....

The facts add up to more than the myths. Read about the man - online through netLibrary!


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