Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Open Vault

WGBH Boston has opened the vault on their collection of television shows! Open Vault "provides online access to unique and historically important content produced by public television station WGBH for individual and classroom learning. The ever-expanding site contains video excerpts, searchable transcripts, a select number of complete interviews for purchase, and resource management tools.".

Their Top Picks include Lucille Clifton reading the poem Turning as part of the show Poetry Breaks.
"Poetry Breaks," conceived by Leita Hagemann Luchetti and co-produced by Luchetti and WGBH New Television Workshop, is an ongoing series of over 100 thirty-second to four-minute spots presenting internationally known poets reading their work on location. These have aired individually on WGBH and public television stations across the country. The Workshop collaborated with Luchetti until its closing in 1993, at which point the works became co-productions of Luchetti and the larger WGBH Foundation.

Thanks to Sybil Finemel, Library Director MLIS.CIO., Contributor, lii.org, Librarians' Index to the Internet Virtual Reference Desk Volunteer
24/7 OCLC Reference Librarian
for noting the Open Vault on LM_Net.

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