Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Going to a workshop off campus exposes one to new sights, sounds and ideas! Last week I attended a workshop at Macon State - I came back with several ideas.

One idea I began implementing over the past few days - but I'm not finished yet. Macon State librarians have highlighted on their list of resources in GALILEO those they have purchased. The databases leap out on the list and you notice they have been selected for Macon State.

On our list in GALILEO I have added the NMTC icon that notes the resource was selected for NMTC. The difficulty is - the icon is black and blue and doesn't POP!

You know where I'm going with this.....for the past two days I've been editing our list so the text POPS when you scroll down the list. I have a bit more tweaking to do. I had changed the program text but that color doesn't stand out as well amidst the black and blue of GALILEO text. Today, I'll try a different text color.

It is fun.

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