Friday, February 22, 2008

Green or Blue

On As Time Goes By (a British Comedy on PBS in Atlanta) , Lionel is reading Winnie the Pooh. I plucked my copy off the shelf and began to enjoy again the tale of friends who accept each other- foibles and failings and all.

Each chapter is a story in itself which makes the book a delightful read aloud (for children and adults) . I can't decide if my favorite story is Winnie the Pooh getting stuck in Rabbit's hole and having to diet for a week while Rabbit used Pooh's feet as a towel rack or the process used to decide whether a green or blue balloon would be best to float up to get the honey from the top of the tree?

We don't have a copy at North Metro. I think I'll add it to my wish list. We do have a Children's Literature collection so purchasing the A. A. Milne classic will meet the criteria for collection development (supports the program area).

TV can inspire one to read!

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