Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Whoop Whoop Whoop

That whooping is the sound of a helicopter parent circling their adult offspring.

Just a few years ago a successful parent was one who worked themselves out of a job. By the time the offspring was 16 and driving, the parent could begin to relax- the offspring had been raised to be independent and responsible for the choices and consequences of those choices.....not so for the Millenial Generation (those born between 1982 and 2002).

Some of these "adults" make few choices concerning school and work. Their parents are with them smoothing over any bump caused by the offsprings negligence.

NPR had a bit about this on the Morning Edition (transcript isn't in LexisNexis yet but it will be)
The Atanta Journal Constitution (you may need to log in to read the article) had a front page article concerning the situation.

Using GALILEO's Quick search limiting it to News/Facts and the phrase Boomer Parents Hover- there are very few articles in the databases but Quick Search looks through Google too - there are a ton of articles in prestigious newspapers.

Quick Search is a fascinating resource- and it's getting better.

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