Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Summer Blockbusters

Do you want to read what others have said about a movie before you go spend your money?

You can use Google, type in the title movie review. Voila - thousands of movie reviews will pop right up!

You can use ProQuest and Academic Search Premier at EbscoHost in GALILEO to limit a search to film reviews. I admit- it isn't easy and I didn't get what I thought I would though I tried several routes (advanced search, limiting to document text and film reviews).

ProQuest offered me suggestions for my search. I was intrigued that they pulled up the main actor and the director as options though I had just given a title and limited it to Film Review.

Lexis Nexis Academic through the Guided Search doesn't limit you to film reviews so you get business articles about the movie (how much it made or cost, etc).

For most entertainment purposes- the Google search with movie review will tell you what you want to know - should you spend your money tonight on this movie.

Happy watching!

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