Tuesday, September 20, 2005


In GALILEO there is a link to GaCollege411, a site put up by the state to help Georgia students (and their parents) prepare for college.
On this site are practice tests for the SAT, GRE, and Compass and Asset tests.

…tab for Georgia (4th tab from the left)
…..Georgia A-Z (down at the bottom of the drop down tab)
……GaCollege411 (#13 on the list) also can be reached through http://www.gacollege411.org/
Right hand side is a button for College Test Prep (4th button down)

You can take practice tests at home by going through GALILEO or directly to the GaCollege411

The password for home use of GALILEO is available to the citizens of Georgia from your librarian. Some resources noted in this BLOG are only available to NMTC patrons.

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