Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Farewell print EB

A fellow librarian shared this link to an article about Encyclopedia Britannica.

Fingers flipping through pages while the eyes scan the columns, till what you're searching for pops out, can be quicker for the researcher trained in using print. A digital search requires that you spell what you're looking for accurately. I would hold races between students and myself to find infornation. I'd use print, they'd use digital. Invariably, I won. Not that I'm smarter but if you can't spell, you can't find digitally.

We do subscribe to the online edition of Encyclopedia Britannica. Just this week, I noted I couldn't easily find what I was looking for in the database. We don't have a print set of the Encyclopedia Britannica in our collection for me to compare the ease of finding the information.  We do have a circulating set of World Book. I was able to find 'daylight savings time' in the D volume. Sometimes the print encyclopedia is just what you need for quick answers.


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