Thursday, February 02, 2012

Who to believe?

It's Groundhog Day. A furry animal is awoken, peaks out of his burrow, and men in top hats pronounce the forecast! Will Spring come sooner or later?

"Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his lair to "see" his shadow on Thursday, in the process predicting six more weeks of winter". Yet, "on a rainy Groundhog Day reminiscent of the September floods that nearly swept away his Gwinnett County home, a slightly wounded and very reluctant Gen. Beauregard Lee declared that spring is just around the corner."

There you have it. The definitive answer is "Spring will come sooner or later"!

Image Quest provided the picture of Punxsutawney Phil.

Finding pictures is very easy in the Encyclopedia Britannica product.There are drop down options to help you narrow the search to specific collections and subjects.

Staring at the Groundhog Day images, I couldn't see a way to use them. The quick Guided Tour cleared up my confusion. There are two icons at the upper left corner of each image. Clicking on the top icon provided a larger picture, the citation, and information about the picture. The + sign icon, adds the image to the 'Lightboard'. The 'Lightboard' allows one to print, download and e-mail the image. I did e-mail the image to myself. The caption and credit information arrived as a separate text file.

This is a great resource for finding pictures that can be used in presentations by students. It eliminates the hassle of finding copyright usable pictures!

Your CTC librarian can give you information on accessing Image Quest off campus.


Image Credits: Gregory K. Scott / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group

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