Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Found it!

My question was about beads (throws) and Mardi Gras. I searched through four databases in GALILEO and found a history of how Mardi Gras started its rise in New Orleans. There was no mention of the beads.

A search in our catalog for Mardi Gras as a subject did not turn up any titles. A word or phrase search pulled up 15 titles. I looked through several electronic books searching for the word beads. It is so easy to search the electronic books.

I found success with Creating the Big Easy [electronic resource] : New Orleans and the emergence of modern tourism, 1918-1945 by Anthony J. Stanonis. The 5th Chapter, A City that Care Forgot, The Reinvention of New Orleans Mardi Gras, on page 187 contained the tidbit I was looking for. In 1921 the Krewe of Rex started throwing beads! Prior to 1921, Krewe members had blown kisses but not given any tangible items away.

There you go. 90 years of bead throwing started with businessmen trying to get tourists to come, stay, and spend money. It seems to have worked.


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