Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Where did it come from?

We talk about citations during each Library Instruction. A citation is so basic, so simple and so easy to do. All your reader wants to know is who did this, what is it called and how does the reader get a copy (author, title, and publisher). Why do people get so unnerved about doing a citation? The punctuation throws them off. Do we use commas, semi-colons, quotation marks, or italicize the title. It's the punctuation that gets one in trouble.

Many database vendors are including the citation format with their articles. Today as I looked at the History Channel, I noticed the Cite This link on the right side. How wonderful that a website is including the citation format.

It is important to tell your reader where the information you used came from. I am grateful for those who help me cite the source accurately.


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