Thursday, September 30, 2010

Welcome...To the Library!

The first week of the fall quarter is always busy, especially with the record number of students attending CTC. You don't have to spend all your free time on campus parking or buying books; you may also browse your campus library during free periods. The libraries provide a vast Internet and print collection for programs, and other services such as faxing, copying, printing, and group/quiet study areas.

While the library is a family, each individual campus location provides something different for students. Satellite campus locations provide materials specific to programs taught on that campus, such as culinary materials at Mountain View or horticulture materials at North Metro. As the main branch, Marietta provides several more services than satellite campuses, including purchasing a copying card for copies and prints. Marietta also loans out games like checkers, chess, dominoes, and scrabble for interested students.

Our polices and procedures for borrowing materials and accessing online accounts are the same for each campus. Materials may be checked out for three weeks except at the end of the quarter. You may pick up or return materials to any CTC campus. You may also borrow books from our partner libraries at Kennesaw State University, Southern Polytechnic State University, Reinhardt College, and all other TCSG libraries. Please come into the library or ask your instructors for the new GALILEO password. For a quiet and clean environment, please keep all drinks, food, and children out of the libraries!

The library has more than 55,000 physical items plus 11,000 online resources. The librarians and library assistants are always willing to help students, faculty, and staff. Check the library home page for hours and locations nearest you.

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