Wednesday, September 02, 2009

What's in your wallet?

What cards do you carry around? Do you have a card that will allow you to access books, CD's, and videos? Bet you have a credit card that allows you to purchase those items. It gets a bit pricey to buy every book, CD and video that interests you. The other problem is where do you store all those things.

Do you have a card that lets you use books, CD's and videos for free? Do you have a library card?

September is Library Card Sign Up month. On the ALA web site there are mp3 files you may listen to that extol the benefits of using your library.

For fun- search YouTube for "library card" videos... this one made me smile...

Winner of Best Storyline (or Most Original Storyline) and Audience Choice Award (Sun. 1;30-3;00) in the Quiet on the Set short film competition 2009 presented by MELSA

Get your library card- gain access to books, movies, CD's and GALILEO resources for free.


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