Tuesday, August 04, 2009

To cite or not to cite

It's getting close to mid-term. Papers are being generated. Students are asking - "how do I cite this?" We have the 7th edition MLA [LB 2369 .G53 2009] (and we have created a handout with samples). We have the new APA (no samples yet). Both require a bit of thinking and digging and using to get the citation correct. Is there an "easy button" (yes, I watch too much TV) for creating a citation?

On our delicious page, we have collected a list of citation creators. The tag is listed under each program area. These are just links to the citation creators - no commentary on which is best.

We're a fan of ALA on Facebook. They posted a link to Bill Ferris', 16 July Instructify blog, Top 5 citation application.
Back in my day we had to figure out arcane citation formats by poring through dusty old style manuals. This was during that awkward window after people started putting good information on the internet, but before the style manuals told you how to cite web documents.
Your students don’t know how lucky they are...
[read it all]

There's the commentary. Go read which ones Bill thinks are the top 5. Then try them out and decide for yourself!


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