Thursday, February 19, 2009

Those who don't know

history are destined to repeat it - said Edmund Burke

Carter G. Woodson began Negro History Week in 1926. He wrote 'Observances of Negro History Week,' which appeared in the volume 11, number 2 issue of the 'Journal of Negro History.'

Where could I find that article?

A Google search led me to which has the article but requires my registering for a free trial (and then charging me a monthly fee).

You know I'm sending you to GALILEO - where our Georgia tax dollars are at work (get the password for home use from your Georgia librarian). There you'll find the History Reference Center an Ebsco product.

...Databases A-Z, select H
.....Scroll to History Reference Center
.......Type in Negro History week
.........Select 'Observances of Negro History Week'(on my search it was the 4th article)notice it is a pdf file- you'll see the article as it was in the journal
Reprints the article 'Observances of Negro History Week,' by Carter G. Woodson, which appeared in the volume 11, number 2 issue of the 'Journal of Negro History.'

You can create an Alert for the Black History Bulletin "A peer-reviewed publication written to provide those who instruct our youth with innovative materials, which teach Black history and conform to national history standards." Ebsco will send you links to the latest articles posted from Black History Bulletin.

Make learning history a year round effort!

Keeping in mind Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it - Edmund Burke


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