Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts

The new librarian strongly recommended "Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and other powerful web tools for classrooms" by Will Richardson.

Jeff read and learned from the first edition while working at Chattanooga State. We purchased the second edition this summer for NMTC. I finished flipping through the book and read the section, "About the Author". The URL for Mr. Richardson's blog jumped out at me. I went exploring and found Weblogged-ed at http://weblogg-ed.com/. (I've added it to my Bloglines.)

Mr. Richardson's entry for today discusses del.icio.us. I had an "ah ha" moment. I've regularly copied and pasted the "About Us" description from web sites. I'm glad del.icio.us has increased the character limit.

I noticed the new "look" to del.icio.us a few weeks ago. I had a few issues with it - I felt like it was a "new" site. There was a learning curve. Yesterday I realized I could sort the additions alphabetically (which was one of my pet peeves). Obviously, I'm still learning.

How do we use del.icio.us at NMTC? We've been checking the curriculum posted at the TCSG site for the programs offered at NMTC. We use that information to look for resources to add to the NMTC del.icio.us. We're tagging by class to make it easier for students to find just what they need.

I've recently shown del.icio.us to the Intro to Early Childhood class. They can use this for an electronic portfolio. ECE students collect information about agencies they may need to contact. Del.icio.us makes a perfect portable favorites.


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