Friday, May 23, 2008

Reading not Listening

This tip was picked up in conversation with a librarian while attending AABIG (Atlanta Area Bibliographic Instruction Group) at GSU. I had no idea I could do this.....if you open your e-mail and enter a as the e-mail address, then type your message, and hit send - it will deliver a text message to that cell phone number (fairly quickly)!

Quite handy if you want to send a text message to someones cell phone from your e-mail (especially if you know they need info but not conversation and your text messaging skills are rusty - or non-existent)

The caveat - and of course, there is always a caveat - my test message (I sent one to my cell phone as a test) came through twice- then I received a text message from teleflip offering me their online service. If your recipient pays to receive a text message - they won't be amused- or pleased.

Still - what a handy tool. I'll bet it could be used to share reference information....

Another reason to attend conferences- chatting with participants leads to revelations of "new to you" resources.

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