Monday, November 19, 2007

Timing is everything

Last week I wrote about Richard Louv's book "Last Child in the Woods". Mike responded with interesting thoughts and resources. Yesterday, I was reading the USA Weekend (Nov 16-18, 2007, pg 8-10) and what should I behold but an article titled "Mother Nature Knows Best" - a panel discussion with Tedd Mitchell, Martha Erickson, and Richard Louv!

I tried to find a link to the article and so far have failed- yes, I went to GALILEO doing a general search - no luck. I did a Google search, too. Lots of MotherNature articles and web sites but not this particular one.

If you find a link- please share.

Remember this would be a great weekend to go outside and play - think of all the fun things to do just outside your door - even for grownups.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's the link for "Mother Nature Kows Best" in the USA Weekend.
It was one of the few good (in this case excellent} panel discussions they've produced. Marty Erickson (Martha) is a U. MN faculty and took part in a conference on this topic at the MN Landscape Arboretum in August, I think.

Your site demanded that I reproduce a graphic word to send this on the blog and then wouldn't reproduce the graphic for me to copy. Good thing you have an optional route.
Carol Greenwood