Friday, November 16, 2007


Everyone who buys insurance is a gambler. We gamble we'll have something happen (so we collect the money), the insurance companies gamble we won't have something happen (so they keep the money)!

Scrolling through the economics links in GALILEO, I came across The Insurance Periodicals Index (IPI).

GALILEO's description notes IPI was produced by the NILS Publishing Co., Inc. in cooperation with the Insurance & Employee Benefits Division (IEBD) of the Special Libraries Association (SLA). IPI indexes and abstracts over 200 insurance industry journals and magazines. Coverage extends from 1965 to the present and features a controlled vocabulary of index terms that reflects current insurance industry terminology. IPI will interest researchers in economics, social scientists, and insurance and government organizations.

It's an Ebsco database that does not have a publications list but it does have a Cited References option.

Type in "drought" to see what the insurance industry is saying.

You get the password to access GALILEO at home from your Georgia librarian.

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