Saturday, July 14, 2007

Words have power

We do seem to be slipping back to a pictograph style of information sharing- the ubiquitous icon that tells us what to click.

Yet, there are games that don't use high powered graphics to entice and intrigue gamers. Interactive Fiction was the first gamers gig and it still exists. Here's a bit of history by snakemeister:

"There was a time, before personal computers became capable of producing anything worth the moniker of ‘graphics,’ when text was king. ‘Text Adventure Games,’ ‘Text Games,’ ‘Adventure Games’ and occasionally, ‘Graphic Adventure Games,’ are all terms used to describe a genre of computer games which relied on nothing more than a textual description of the player’s location, and a text prompt allowing the player to control which actions their avatar performed. Today, the genre is known as ‘Interactive Fiction’ or IF, and if you’re sitting comfortably, I’d like to give you a quick look at its history."

You can read it all right here. Then go explore the text games he suggests. Words do have power- be your own graphics designer by creating the pictures in your head!

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