Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Collecting books

Todays AJC (Atlanta Journal Constitution) has an article about house size. Some folks are moving from multi bedroom houses to smaller homes. For bibliophiles - downsizing could be stressful.

Where do you put all those books that you treasure being able to touch at any point in the day?

NetLibrary has a Favorites and Notes section. As you're looking for information or seeing if your favorite book is on-line you can create notes (tab in the left column). The books with notes are then listed in the Favorites and Notes section. The notes include what page you were on in the book when you decided to make a note! I was usually in the index.

It came to me that one could put a note on the books in NetLibrary that you'd find useful- then you don't have to purchase them or store them or dust them or....

There is a short video How do I find...Create a Free Account in NetLibrary if you need a refresher. NMTC has over 40,000 titles in NetLibrary. There's bound to be something you'd find useful.

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