Friday, February 03, 2006

The more things change!

As the saying goes...the more things change, the more they stay the same. This is the time of year for political leaders to give their "state-of-the-political-institution" address. You can read what the Mayor of Savannah had to say in his annual reports. "The annual reports of the Mayor of the city of Savannah Georgia for the years 1855-1917 include information on city activities and finances, commercial statistics, health, death, and illness statistics, and information on trade, public schools, weather, charitable institutions and city ordinances. The documents also include reports of the City Attorney, the Police Department (including crime statistics), the City Engineer, the Fire Department (including statistics on fires and property losses), and the Board of Trade, among others."

You won't be surprised to read how nothing has really changed. There is some comfort to the notion that things stay the same- of course, there is some distress to the notion, too!

....Databases A-Z
...... Annual Reports of the Mayor of Savannah, Georgia, 1855-1917

The password for home use of GALILEO is available to the citizens of Georgia from your librarian. Some resources noted in this BLOG are only available to NMTC patrons.

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