Thursday, May 18, 2006

Heavy Searching

It's not quick or easy but you can use a database called Article First to search for a specific article. All they list is the citation- which is handy for your bibliography. You'll have to order a copy of the article through InterLibrary Loan or search through the other databases to see if that periodical is listed. Definitely for those who don't mind a bit of delayed gratification.

"Article First contains bibliographic citations that describe items listed on the table of contents pages of journals in science, technology, medicine, social science, business, the humanities, and popular culture. Each record describes one article, news story, letter, or other item.
The database, formerly know as ContentsFirst, is now included the ArticleFirst database. It is now possible to search for and view both journals' tables of contents and individual article citations in the ArticleFirst database.

OCLC provides title lists of periodicals included in their many databases. (Not all FirstSearch databases are included in GALILEO.) Once at their Periodical Titles in OCLC FirstSearch page, select the name of the database of interest then click the "List Titles" button. Other options are also available, such as "Search by Title," to discover in which database a publication is included. NOTE: Use the browser's BACK button to return to GALILEO.

The big databases in GALILEO are ProQuest, EbscoHost, and LexisNexis. ProQuest and EbscoHost have a publications list that you can browse through.

....Databases A-Z
.......Scroll to ArticleFirst

The password for home use of GALILEO is available to the citizens of Georgia from your librarian. Some resources noted in this BLOG are only available to NMTC patrons.

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